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Hi, I’m Mia!

I’m a sophomore at the USC Iovine & Young Academy studying CS, Design, and Business. I help run a student incubator and makerspace on campus, where we ideate and tinker endlessly. I also conduct research at the USC Interactive Neurorehabilitation Lab, where I work to improve semi-automated stroke recovery using interaction design & machine learning.

I love building cool things with cool people and telling stories. Previously, I helped develop BCI technology for Cognixion's assistive reality headsets and spearheaded growth at Identity Review, a think tank focused on the digital economy.

In spring 2018, I joined Stride as a Consulting Software Developer. Through Stride, I work on development teams at different clients around NYC, learning a new stack and codebase every few months, and both using and teaching practices such as test-driven design and pair programming.

Learn more, or get in touch!